Our people strategy is focused on promoting high performance, engagement and inclusion. We foster an environment where people can learn, grow and develop their careers.

The Group’s people are critical to the delivery of its strategy. We continue to invest in both formal and informal delivery of learning and development and recorded 5,558 hours of formal learning in FY24 (FY23: 1,175 hours).

We pay all employees in the UK and Guernsey at or above both the legal minimum wage (National Living Wage) and the Real Living Wage as defined by the Living Wage Foundation1. In the Netherlands we pay at or above the legal minimum wage (Minimumloon). There is a Works Council in place at Greetz.

Our sustainability strategy includes two people goals, which focus on inclusion and engagement.

Goal 4: Maintain the combined leadership representation of women and ethnic minorities on the Leadership Team at around 50%2.

Goal 5: Reach and maintain an employee engagement score at or above 72%.

Leadership diversity

The Group is committed to maintain the combined leadership representation of women and ethnic minorities in the leadership team at around 50%. We want our organisation to be representative of our customers and the communities in which we operate.

As at 30 April 2024, the combined representation of women and ethnic minorities on the Leadership Team2 remained broadly consistent with the prior year at 49% (April 2023: 52%).

Across the Group, 50% of individuals newly appointed into Leadership Team2 roles were female (FY23: 42%).

We will continue to develop our next generation of female leaders and monitor the retention of women and ethnic minorities currently in leadership roles.

Employee engagement

The Group has a goal to reach and maintain an employee engagement score at or above 72%. Improving engagement in our teams will improve productivity and hence business performance. It will help to ensure that employees are retained for longer, reducing recruitment costs.

In FY24, our average engagement score across two surveys for Moonpig and Greetz was 61%, in-line with the prior year (61%), although below our goal (72%). This reflects the continued challenges of operating in an economic downturn, characterised by more disciplined cost control and greater pressure to meet targets.

Management has focused during the year on increasing employees’ understanding of the Group’s strategy and it was particularly pleasing that the April 2024 score for “I understand the long-term strategic direction for Moonpig Group” improved from 62% to 81%.

Our action plan for FY25 employee engagement is built around raising the proportion of employees who agree with the survey statement “I feel proud to work for this company.”

1Guernsey employees are paid in line with the UK Real Living Wage as defined by the Living Wage Foundation for “rates outside London”.

2Comprises the Executive Committee (including Executive Directors) and their direct reports who are also members of the Extended Leadership Team.